It all starts with The Trip (often referred to in more antiquated terms and somewhat related circles as “the mission”).

The Trip constitutes a specialized and somewhat flexible expeditionary purpose established by the OWTCAST Discovery Think Tank™, and serves as the fundamental blueprint for any given Space Champs emprise – give or take.
Once the OWTCASTDTT™ signs off on The Trip itinerary, The Space Champs take over, designing and building spacecraft, tools, weapons, and audio/visual apparatus, — including light- and sound-centric communication devices and protocols, along with trip-specific performance-enhancing chemical vehicles — to best execute and support the adventure any given Trip guarantees.
Trip protocol dictates that:

  • Making useful contact with ‘intelligent’ denizens of any given biosphere encountered remains the primary priority — unintelligence is always apprecaited, and should never, ever be over or underestimated.
  • Engaging with said denizens should immediately follow every point of initial contact whenever possible, and should leverage the intelligence and unintelligence of all parties involved.
  • All activities are recorded for future data analysis, archival posterity, and sharing with aliens, as life permits.

* The Space Champs™ are a non-obscure, tentacular appendage of OWTCAST™ (OffWorlding Transnational Consortium of Amateur Space Travelers™).


It all starts with The Trip (often referred to in more antiquated terms and somewhat related circles as “the mission”).

The Trip constitutes a specialized and somewhat flexible expeditionary purpose established by the OWTCAST Discovery Think Tank™, and serves as the fundamental blueprint for any given Space Champs emprise – give or take.
Once the OWTCASTDTT™ signs off on The Trip itinerary, The Space Champs take over, designing and building spacecraft, tools, weapons, and audio/visual apparatus, — including light- and sound-centric communication devices and protocols, along with trip-specific performance-enhancing chemical vehicles — to best execute and support the adventure any given Trip guarantees.
Trip protocol dictates that:

  • Making useful contact with ‘intelligent’ denizens of any given biosphere encountered remains the primary priority — unintelligence is always apprecaited, and should never, ever be over or underestimated.
  • Engaging with said denizens should immediately follow every point of initial contact whenever possible, and should leverage the intelligence and unintelligence of all parties involved.
  • All activities are recorded for future data analysis, archival posterity, and sharing with aliens, as life permits.

* The Space Champs™ are a non-obscure, tentacular appendage of OWTCAST™ (OffWorlding Transnational Consortium of Amateur Space Travelers™).


Originally scheduled for a September 1, 2023, launch but aborted due to anomolous weather, The Space Champs’ maiden voyage has been rescheduled for October 21, 2023, at the OWTCAST testing grounds outside of Las Vegas, Nevada.

On account of the sensitive nature of this particular Trip, all spectators will require an official invitation to attend and participate.


Originally scheduled for a September 1, 2023, launch but aborted due to anomolous weather, The Space Champs’ maiden voyage has been rescheduled for October 21, 2023, at the OWTCAST testing grounds outside of Las Vegas, Nevada.

On account of the sensitive nature of this particular Trip, all spectators will require an official invitation to attend and participate.


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Tap into our comms to stay up on the what’s whats of our race through space.